Oliver Equipment Company (OEC) is proud to be an authorized representative for Milton Roy pumps. We provide trusted solutions for precise chemical metering and flow control across industries, backed by our decades of expertise and exceptional service.
Milton Roy is the world’s largest manufacturer of controlled volume (metering) pumps. Our comprehensive line of water treatment and chemical metering pumps sets the industry standard for performance, accuracy and durability. Today morethan 500,000 Milton Roy pumps are currently in service worldwide ranging from water to high viscosity polymers, corrosive or abrasive chemicals, toxic sub-stances, and other difficult pumping media. Metering pumps are available in single and double diaphragm designs, with a wide range of liquid end choices. For more information about Milton Roy please visit www.miltonroy.com.
The Williams pneumatic metering pumps are utilized in all industries to accurately control the injection of chemicals. The examples below illustrate only some of the typical fluid metering applications: OIL, REFINING & PETROCHEMICAL The metering of chemicals used in all phases of the production, processing, refining, transmission and distribution of oil and gas products. For more information about Williams Milton Roy please visit www.williamspumps.com.
LMI Milton Roy is the leading manufacturer of Chemical Metering Pumps, Controllers, and accessories. Our trademark yellow and black products are the standard for water treatment professionals around the world. LMI manufactures a wide range of electronic and motor-driven metering pumps and controllers for simple chemical addition, to complete systems to control conductivity, pH, and ORP. For more information about LMI Milton Roy please visit www.lmipumps.com.